At George Grenville Academy, we understand the true value in providing children with the opportunity to explore, appreciate and enjoy the English language. Heightened exposure to language through reading, writing, speaking and listening will enable our pupils to express their thoughts and ideas more fluently, accurately and, ultimately, to their greater satisfaction. This will also support their success in other curriculum subjects, while enriching their lives beyond school. The teaching and learning of language skills are, therefore, given a high priority in our school and -where possible - the wider curriculum and IT will be used as tools.
Our overarching aim for English is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a robust, conscious command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for pleasure. Children will be given opportunities to speak in a variety of contexts and learn to listen to and value the views of others.
Click on the buttons to find out how we approach reading and writing at George Grenville Academy
Enhancing the Curriculum
Annually, the pleasurable experience of language – reading, writing and speaking - is further enhanced and celebrated across the school, through events such as World Book Day events, PopUp Literacy festival (where authors of studied texts visit classes for workshops), Whole-school focus on books at Christmas, school visits and productions, and community-linked work.
Click on the link to find out what the whole school did during World Book Day 2021. Even though we were in lockdown, we managed to work on a whole school book project!
Assessment Formative assessment involving questioning, in the moment marking, observation, challenge and questioning will be used in every lesson. At the end of each term, teachers will record the outcomes for reading and writing on the online assessment system, Target Tracker. These assessments will be examined in line with summative assessments, using SATs papers and PIRA. These tests give standardised scores in reading and grammar and are used to identify gaps in learning and teaching.
Monitoring English will be monitored via ‘Book Looks’ and feedback, learning walks and observations, pupil voice and pupil progress meetings where progress and attainment will be discussed, and next steps put into place. Moderation George Grenville Academy works with other schools within the Campfire Trust to share good practice, learn from each other and produce sound, assured judgements in writing outcomes. EYFS, Y2 & Y6 staff also attend external Local Authority-based moderation events. Within school, teachers moderate writing internally within teams and with the English coordinator.
Year 6 write letters in role as Lady Macbeth to her husband, Macbeth.