At George Grenville Academy, we are committed to promoting the safety and welfare of our pupils. We believe that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, so we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We believe that all pupils have the right to learn in a safe, supportive, caring environment which includes the right to be protected from all types of abuse –at home, at school, online and in the local community.
Senior Leaderscreate a strong safeguarding culture within the school, with clear policies and procedures in place, which are understood and followed by staff, governors and visitors. Governorssupport the safeguarding culture by ensuring that policies and procedures are effective and reflect the most up-to-date statutory guidance. Staff are well-trained, vigilant and confident in how to spot the signs of abuse and how to report concerns so that they can be followed up promptly. They build strong relationships with children, who trust them, enabling children to share worries and concerns. Childrenare taught how to keep themselves safe and who they can talk to if they have a concern. They know that they will be listened to and that these concerns will be taken seriously. Parentsrecognise that we are partners, acting in their child’s best interest. They know that we can be the first port of call for providing support to their family, including access to a wide range of agencies and resources. Both the school and the Campfire Education Trust have a wide range of policies which support our safeguarding procedures.
Safeguarding Team
Lucy Berry
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sarah Harrison Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Julia Long, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for Early Years
Safeguarding Advice Parents may find the following links useful:
Key Documents
Other safeguarding policies are Trust wide policies and can be found on the Campfire Education Trust website.