RECEPTION UNIFORM: V Neck plain purple cardigan/jumper (knitted style not sweatshirt) White polo-shirt Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore (Optional for summer - purple and white gingham dress) Plain grey socks or tights Black shoes (not trainers or boots) Purple book bag - (logo optional) Waterproof coat + wellington boots (boots left at school) KS2 UNIFORM: Grey blazer with logo V Neck plain purple cardigan/jumper (knitted style not sweatshirt) White collared shirt Purple and silver tie (elasticated or normal) Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore (Optional for summer - purple and white gingham dress) Plain grey socks or tights Black shoes (not trainers or boots) (Years 3 and 4) Purple book bag - (logo optional) (Years 5 and 6) Small rucksack PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD’S BELONGINGS ARE CLEARLY LABELLED |
KS1 UNIFORM: V Neck plain purple cardigan/jumper (knitted style not sweatshirt) White collared shirt Purple and silver tie (elasticated or normal) Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore (Optional for summer - purple and white gingham dress) Plain grey socks or tights Black shoes (not trainers or boots) Purple book bag - (logo optional) P.E. UNIFORM Indoors: Black shorts, purple T-Shirt and bare feet Outdoors: Plain without logo (or GGA branded) black tracksuit bottoms (or shorts), purple T-Shirt, black long-sleeved sweatshirt or hoodie - plain without logo (or GGA branded) with grey socks and trainers Swimming Kit: (Children in KS2 also attend swimming lessons each term.) Swimming costume or speedo-style shorts, swimming hat All P.E. uniform must be kept in a drawstring bag. Purple T-shirt can be ordered from TKings. GGA Branded PE Kit and Waterproof Jacket We are pleased to be offering more uniform options, which are OPTIONAL. please click here for further details. |
Where can I get the uniform from?
Our branded school uniform is available from T King Associates, which are based in Buckingham and already supply a number of schools in the local area. Parents will be able to place orders online or visit the showroom. Click here for full details. Other non-branded items are available from a variety of shops. Buying online from most supermarkets tends to be the best option. (Sainsburys sell the purple jumper and will deliver it for free to the local store on Chandos Road, near the school)
Our branded school uniform is available from T King Associates, which are based in Buckingham and already supply a number of schools in the local area. Parents will be able to place orders online or visit the showroom. Click here for full details. Other non-branded items are available from a variety of shops. Buying online from most supermarkets tends to be the best option. (Sainsburys sell the purple jumper and will deliver it for free to the local store on Chandos Road, near the school)
Second-Hand Uniform
If you would like to explore what second-hand uniform we have available, please contact out FROGGS Team (PTA) of Office Team, who both have a small supply in stock.
If you would like to explore what second-hand uniform we have available, please contact out FROGGS Team (PTA) of Office Team, who both have a small supply in stock.
Financial Support
As a school, we are aware the impact the cost of living has had on many families across the country. If you require financial support with any uniform items, please do ask the school office, speak to a member of staff or ask a member of SLT. If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium, we may also be able to offer extra financial assistance.
As a school, we are aware the impact the cost of living has had on many families across the country. If you require financial support with any uniform items, please do ask the school office, speak to a member of staff or ask a member of SLT. If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium, we may also be able to offer extra financial assistance.