Our framework for Religious Education in George Grenville makes an important contribution to other parts of the curriculum including PSHE, History and Geography. It is our intention that Religious Education has a key role to play in enabling pupils to achieve and prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in a multi-cultural society. Planned progression built into the RE curriculum means that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. As the children progress in Religious Education, they acquire a wider and more detailed knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, practices, stories and symbols. The children will become more fluent and competent in their use of religious language and terminology and will develop skills in responding to questions relating to identity, meaning, purpose, values and commitment.
At George Grenville, teachers follow the Buckinghamshire RE Agreed Syllabus linked to the Oxfordshire Diocese Scheme of Work. We aim to ensure that all our pupils learn about different faiths; compare and contrast the main features of each religion; and learn not just about the religions, but from them.
The Buckinghamshire Locally Agreed Syllabus is based on educational principle and helps pupils develop an understanding of the world, their communities and their own search for meaning, purpose and value in their lives. It develops reflection on experience, deeper thinking, conceptual creativity and knowledge, and knowledge and understanding of, and sensitivity towards, people of different faiths, beliefs and life-styles.
Each unit taught starts with a big question. RE is taught from this question through an enquiry- based approach, allowing for deeper reflection and further questioning. It is not always taught as a weekly lesson, instead it may be taught as a block, having a more positive and inspirational impact on learning. There is also some cross curricular coverage of RE through assemblies. RE must be taught as a legal requirement in the curriculum. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons and should talk to the Headteacher if this is their intention.
Click on the link to download the Buckinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2016 - 2021.