If we have to go back into a lockdown, daily information will be sent our directly by the teachers to the pupils in their class via the class email address. Please also use these emails addresses to upload work at the end of the day so teachers can provide feedback.
Teachers will be checking these during work hours and they will be dealing with many emails on top of a full teaching commitment. Please be patient with us.
In addition to the email addresses above, please use the contact details below for specific questions.
[email protected] The email is checked daily by our Office Manager and is for general enquires.
[email protected] Please use this email address if you need to enquire about places in our reduced provision and if you have had a positive or suspected covid case to report to the school
[email protected] This is to send any pictures that you would like shared in our whole school zoom assemblies. Please note, by sending the pictures in, you are giving permission for these to be shared on zoom and by on our website.
[email protected] Please use this email for any SEN concerns or questions you may have.